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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Having one of THOSE days..

You know. That day that sneaks up on you.

That day that your job makes you want to kill yourself. Or at least pound your head so hard against the wall the blessed unconsciousness comes and takes you away for a few hours. Days if you are lucky. Really lucky.

Today is that day...oh boy is it ever.

Not people...but processes. All I want to do is order some god damned barcharts! I had no idea that it would 1) take a month and half to get this done 2) that there were complex crazy algorithms used to determine what you "really" need 3)That even though I am here day in and day out busting my ass...I'm clearly incompetent and should not be allowed to make such a decision that would actually benefit sales--you know those things that pay the salaries of those people who sit up cubicles all day long and determine what I "need" and 4)IT WOULD DRIVE ME UP THE EFFING WALL WITH DEEP HATRED FOR THIS WOMAN THAT IS 300 MILES AWAY EVEN THOUGH I HAD NOT A CLUE AS TO WHO SHE WAS OR HOW MUCH POWER SHE HAD OVER ME UNTIL TODAY. arrrggh!

No really. I am about to send one last e-mail that says "You know--I'm sorry for asking you to do your job. Let's just forget it and you can sit in your cubicle and pretend to be busy with "work" while secretly adding to your collection of troll dolls on e-bay." I'm not a sucker--I know what goes in corporate America. And I'm totally not basing my opinions of said culture on Office Space, which is really more like true than people want to imagine in the first place, but on first hand experience of being in these places.

I'm just pissed. What's next? Being told when I can and cannot leave to use the bathroom? Will I have to raise my hand and wait via teleconference to get the know, from someone who knows more than I do about what's going on in my own body. Obviously someone should know these things-and clearly I cannot be trusted.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Oh...I've been a slacker--and on the hunt.... let's see. Last time I wrote was before Christmas.

Hmm. Lots of stuff has happened in the in-between.

Like I'm still a dumb girl when it comes to a lot of things. Very. Dumb.

Oh well. C'est la vie.

And apparently it is my lot in life to never, ever, ever, ever learn my lesson. I am quickly morphing into a hybrid of female fictional characters that I used to feel sorry for...and it's a bit unnerving. Bad habits abound these days, but oh well. You only live once, so you might as well enjoy things as they come : )

Moving on...

It is soon to be my birthday. And I have been informed by the powers that be that I should be on the hunt for a dress...but not just any dress.

Something short--and with killer heels to go along with it. (And if you are going to have cute shoes and a make 'em wish they were remotely lucky enough to be going home with you dress--you might as well get a fun bag, too, right? Right.)So as of this weekend, I will be on the hunt for said dress. I have these perfect purple suede platform booties that I also need to find something to wear with....and if anyone says "leggings!", I reserve the right to have you killed. There ain't no way in hell I will parade around in public in leggings. Even if I have lost 14 pounds since Christmas. (See? Sometimes miracles do happen!) My ass, thank god, did not shrink away. Hooray!!

The best part of the last week? Doing my taxes! February 5th makes me a broad with cash monies..I'll be rolling in it. Until my student loan payment goes through. But I can dream, can't I? Just got to make it until June....bonus time. And then, dear buddies, this girl is going on V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N. Preferably someplace warm, with a beach, and boys named Javier fetching me drinks. Ah....that sounds muy perfecto!