But I've also been a travelin' down to Dixie to help Beth get on her way to California. Hopefully I was of some use although sometimes I feel like bad luck locusts seem to follow me wherever I go. Let's hope not for the sanity of others, shall we?
So what's new, what's new? Got gypped on a financial matter (Thanks--thanks so much by the way. I'm forever grateful I've plodded away for THIS. Ha.), so there's that. Always fun times! So the re-doing of my bedroom will have to wait a bit longer. Especially since I have to cough up like 300 bucks to go to Florida for work in a few weeks. (Side note: who plans to go to Florida on purpose in late June/early July? Don't even get me started on this. I swear it's because they want us to feel like we are in Hell.)
In much more fun things--I saw SATC 2 recently.
Um. So not what I expected. Way too long (If I have to take a pee break--it's too damn long. I have the bladder of a freaking camel--not kidding.), way too over dramatic ("I'm going to tell him! AND then be surprised that he's mad at me!" Sobbing follows.), just too MUCH. And I loved the first movie--I really did.
SJP and company: please do not make another movie. Please do not ruin Carrie and Big for me. Let me have the fantasy....please? Let me think it can turn out to be everything I want and more. (Okay--what I want is Big AND Aidan. They can rotate days--brilliant, eh? What? Don't judge me!)
And for other media...I read a fantastic book recently. But, learn from me grasshoppers--perhaps the airport is not the best place for this one. Unless you don't mind people moving their children away from you. Lucky me--I don't.
It's Bonk by Mary Roach...of Stiff fame. (Have you NOT read Stiff: The Curious Life of Human Cadavers
? Shame on you!! Pick it up today. Or the audio book is excellent, too. Loved it.Click here to learn more about it: Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers
). Bonk, on the other hand, is about the science of being..well...how shall I say it...sexy? Okay, that does not do this book justice---at all. But it does go into a lot of detail about why we do what we do with our naughty bits. And the stories of the scientists (and freakshows...for sure) who were brave enough (or just plain bat-shit bonkers) to go public with their research. Trust me--it's NOT boring. It's even funny. Just check out the link. Please, please, please Mary Roach--write more soon?
And thanks to Carmen, now I've got to get caught up on my Christopher Moore reading. I think a list of my all time favorite's will have to be done sooner than later--but I will save that for another day.
As well as my lust for True Blood.
It's true kids: I've got no shame left.