So. Tonight I received an e-mail from one of my nearest and dearest reminding me that in the (very) near future (mere months..four months to the day, actually), I will no longer be able to claim membership in the "Late Twenties" club.
Now. I was told not to argue with her in her pursuit (I won't Beth..I promise.), and I will honor that request.
On the outside.
On the inside? As the title says:
Oh. Dear. God.
I cannot believe that I will have been on this earth for--thirty freaking years. Thirty years of taking up space, breathing precious oxygen, and not really getting much accomplished.
Holy shit--where DOES time go?
So. I have four months to prepare myself. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about getting older, that's really not the issue. (Okay..I'm kind of lying here, but whatever.) More importantly, it's the loss of time that is freaking me the hell out. On my list of things I want to accomplish with my life--there's really not that much checked off. Sigh. I will have to lament on that later...
But thanks for the wake up call universe!
It's time to get what's mine, so stand back, yo! I'm coming for it!
Rudy has been complaining about turning 30 since about April and it finally happened in September, and the whining continues. But I know that you are WAYYYYY more graceful than he. YOu still look great as if you were in your mid twenties so enjoy that.