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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Birthday Shennanigans...and other nonsense


Turning thirty. If you had asked me five years ago that it would be fun--I would have probably called you a dirty liar...but it was! Thanks again to all of you who put in the hard work to pull it off-more on that later.

So what better way to celebrate turning 30 than by going to the doctor for an annual exam. (Not a lady? then you don't know what this fully entails. Consider yourself lucky that all you have to do is turn your head and big babies.) And what better way to start off the day by waking up LATE. Super duper late. And I had to take a shower (can't go to the doctor for THAT and not take a shower..gross), and in my haste, I forgot something very important. And I didn't realize it until it was too late.


Yes. I forgot to wear underwear. I take my little cup to the bathroom, drop trou, and shriek..apparently loud enough for the nurse to come to the door and ask if there was something wrong.

No--just the fact that I'm an idiot. Again. You think I would be used to it by now. Sadly, that's not the case.

So I go in, have my exam (Yikes! let's throw something new into the equation, shall we? It was uncomfortable. Like the back seat of a Volkswagen...), get my blood work drawn (oh--did I mention like the 12+ hours of fasting that have gone on at this point? I think this may, in fact, be the reason I spent most of my Saturday on the couch with the energy level of a human slug--and I still need to get VRQ's one year b-day gift to him...Colleene and I will have to set up a "play date" of our own!), do some shopping, get scripts filled (Of course I had to go back and pick up one at a later said that I "didn't need" it this soon. Jerks.), and had every intention of getting my driver's license (woo-hoo! hold on kids! what a wild ride!), but a migraine snuck up on me and I was outta commission until almost 2 pm..when I had to go be made pretty :)

The fact that it took three hours--well, I will try not to read too much into that right now. Especially with the giant zit that popped up on Saturday that makes me look like a mutant. Sooooo sexxxyyy....mmmmhmmmm. Now it would probably take all damn day to make me presentable. (So much for that magic clear skin wand....and really-that would have been an awesome gift. Are you listening universe?)

So Friday night, I think we are all going to dinner out and about..but we have to pick Beth up at her sister's house (big thanks to Erin and Jeff for letting us invade!). Amy and Brittany pick me up, we go up the walk, and I see a living room full of people!

Stupid me--still not catching on--"Everyone is here! I guess we are leaving for dinner from here?" I think if Amy hadn't been carrying a big ass box of wine (not a box with a spicket...but a box full of 12 BOTTLES of wine), she might of bopped me on the head. Silly girl. Apparently, I had been tricked all along. Crafty people....I had no idea.

Needless to say, it was a good time--getting to see some people I hadn't seen in a while, catching up, nibbling on good food (um Heather--that stuff you made was AWESOME), having a few drinks..and then we went out for some more fun.

Saturday was dinner with the family--Sunday was dinner with Beth--and Monday was (sadly) back to work as usual.

And now TODAY I get to do battle with the BMV....I think I have everything I need to prove that I'm not some other short woman impersonating me, living at my house, and going to my job every day.

Wait. Do you think I could find someone to do that?


  1. If you find someone to do that, lemme' know, I want to cash in on it, too!
    You looked SMASHING! I hope you had a BLAST out and were appropriately oogled by many gorgeous men.
    Are you talking about that bean/corn stuff?

  2. Oogled? Is it wrong that I hope so??? : )A girl takes a boost where she can get one these days!

    And yes-that bean corn stuff...delish.
