Okay--so I am a HUGE Butler Basketball fan. It's hard not to be when you actually went to school there (Ooohh all these people jumping on the bandwagon---I guess it's good for business but super annoying for those of us who have been here all along. Growl.) If you really want to learn a TON about my dear old alma mater--check out George Waller's book. It's a tome for sure, but jam packed of fun Butler tidbits.
Needless to say--this has been a crazy exciting past few days. And yes--I would sell my soul for some tickets, but I will make do with watching on TV. (This way there is no way that I can make a total fool of myself in public either screaming like a banshee or crying like a big fat baby.) And watching on TV means I can have beer. Which is good. And probably some chicken wings. This, buddies, is even better. (Time to splurge...seriously, how many times does YOUR team make it to the Final Four??? I think I should do what I can to enjoy this.)
However, depending on how the game goes, I may have to switch to something stronger to keep me going. We shall see. And if they win? Well--I will be running around downtown Indy like a crazy person. And thankfully, I won't be the only one!
There is going to be a pep rally downtown on the circle tomorrow at noon (sniff...I can't go), so if you are downtown--check it out! I'm sure it will be a good time. There will also be a practice session at Lucas on Friday from noon to 12:50 pm (again--can't go) if you are lucky enough to be downtown and free from work this upcoming Good Friday. Not me...sigh.
So I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the boys in Blue playing on their home court (well--sort of) Saturday at 6:07 pm. CBS. Watch it. I will know if you don't. And I will find you. Especially if they lose. It will be all your fault.
Yes, I realize every fool these days has themselves a bloggin', but hopefully I can catch your fancy? From everything to debates on the dessert of choice to the perfect shade (which was once found and discontinued--damn you Almay!) of lipstick..and everything in between. Really..it's whatever strikes my fancy--and hopefully yours, too. Read up!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
You can't OD on cough syrup...can you?
And I don't mean the good kind...with codeine (That I can't take anyway--stupid allergies to all the good narcotics! This is why I don't do drugs....well, sort of.) that will give me sweet dreams. I mean generic CVS TussinDM that causes me to wake up at 2 am and pray that sleep will once again sweep over me once I slide down a Mucinex/Cough Syrup/Naproxin cocktail--. Yea baby..that's how mama rolls these days. And yes, bitches, coughing HURTS when you do it all your waking hours--and sleeping ones for that matter.
Two weeks. Two weeks of this shit. Bah! I'm officially a mouth breather (yuck) day and night. My lips are so chapped..I want to cry. I'm drinking my weight in liquids (see reference to "mouth breathing"), and hacking up things that came from only god knows where. Actually, I do know from where--which makes it even more scary. "THAT came out of MY LUNGS?!?!" Not to mention the river o slime that is currently pouring out of my head. My poor nose...I'm looking more and more like W.C. Fields everyday.
Tres sexy, no?
I was certainly hoping that the miracle of antibiotics would speed up my recovery. Instead, it would seem, it just sped up my decline into snottiness. Boo. To. This. The only day in the last few weeks that I have felt human? St. Patrick's Day--so thank you universe for that one. And I wasn't even out late cause everyone had to get up and go to work the next day.
Being a grown up sucks, you know it?
But, being sick has meant I have been holed up at home--so here are some things you should definitely check out:
Chelsea Handler's new book: Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang--Loved it! Fantastic! It almost makes me wish I could pop pills and chug booze like she does. However, yours truly would never appear half so adorable as Ms. Handler. More like a homeless person is my guess...methinks, however, money makes all the difference. Hmmmm.....
Julie Powell--Cleaving. I have loved Julie since I read Julie and Julia (She's a kind of crazy bitchy girl...who likes good food, decent (mostly) wine, has cats and loves to cook, she's kind of like me. But she's got a sweet husband who puts up with her.), but after this--I love her even more. I get it. Hopefully many of you out won't have first hand knowledge of the Bell Jar antics of our heroine--but give her a chance, please? And you will learn a lot about butchery. Yes. You read correctly. Butchery.
And since I think I will be too sick to enjoy my days off this week...I will probably be doing more reading. There are worse things, but I really wanted a mini road trip. Sigh.
Two weeks. Two weeks of this shit. Bah! I'm officially a mouth breather (yuck) day and night. My lips are so chapped..I want to cry. I'm drinking my weight in liquids (see reference to "mouth breathing"), and hacking up things that came from only god knows where. Actually, I do know from where--which makes it even more scary. "THAT came out of MY LUNGS?!?!" Not to mention the river o slime that is currently pouring out of my head. My poor nose...I'm looking more and more like W.C. Fields everyday.
Tres sexy, no?
I was certainly hoping that the miracle of antibiotics would speed up my recovery. Instead, it would seem, it just sped up my decline into snottiness. Boo. To. This. The only day in the last few weeks that I have felt human? St. Patrick's Day--so thank you universe for that one. And I wasn't even out late cause everyone had to get up and go to work the next day.
Being a grown up sucks, you know it?
But, being sick has meant I have been holed up at home--so here are some things you should definitely check out:
Chelsea Handler's new book: Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang--Loved it! Fantastic! It almost makes me wish I could pop pills and chug booze like she does. However, yours truly would never appear half so adorable as Ms. Handler. More like a homeless person is my guess...methinks, however, money makes all the difference. Hmmmm.....
Julie Powell--Cleaving. I have loved Julie since I read Julie and Julia (She's a kind of crazy bitchy girl...who likes good food, decent (mostly) wine, has cats and loves to cook, she's kind of like me. But she's got a sweet husband who puts up with her.), but after this--I love her even more. I get it. Hopefully many of you out won't have first hand knowledge of the Bell Jar antics of our heroine--but give her a chance, please? And you will learn a lot about butchery. Yes. You read correctly. Butchery.
And since I think I will be too sick to enjoy my days off this week...I will probably be doing more reading. There are worse things, but I really wanted a mini road trip. Sigh.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Moving Schmoving...
At least I got to go to the movies first and enjoy some of my weekend! (Yea for the Philadelphia Story at the Artcraft Theater...go here: http://www.historicartcrafttheatre.org/home.html
to see if there's anything that floats your boat for the 2010-2011 Season. (Gone With the Wind? Yes please. South Pacific? Sign me up! Oh and THIS April 23rd and 24 they are showing Breaking Away...c'mon, you know you want to go see it!)
So after the movie, I head out with my buddy to have a few drinks. Since downtown was going to be a clusterfuck of madness due to the Big Ten, we headed to Ripple.
Let's just say that when 22 year old boys have lots to drink they become friendly with me. Apparently they are the only form of human male who thinks me not only "pretty" (And my hair got stroked...a lot. Weird, I know..I'm not an Irish Setter, but who can explain these things), but witty and charming, too. See--booze does work miracles : ) Get home, plop into bed and think about getting up the next day to help mom and dad "finish" up the moving.
Let me preface this by saying that when I stopped by on Thursday to see how it was going, I was shocked. Kitchen? Not touched. Basement? Ditto. Clothes packed? Bathroom? Garage (which still *shudder* is no where near done....and they sign over on FRIDAY)? Ha ha ha! And the movers were coming the next morning at 8 am. Silly me thinking they would whip through stuff and very little would need to be done.
So I get there at 10 am...and I get home after taking seven loads of stuff to the laundry mat (How fast was that? One hour and all the stuff was done. If it wasn't such a pain in the ass and so freaking expensive...note to self: when you make big monies and strike it really rich--install your own laundry mat in your house. Why has no one else thought of this? Seriously people!), hit the grocery to actually have food that people will eat, and then had to pick up my house because the rents are staying with me on Saturday night.
So we can start the whole thing over on Sunday.
My parents, it would seem, move at the speed of snail. Granted, they are both sick (with the same crap I have it would seem), but c'mon people. Yes--they sold the house uber fast, and only had two weeks to get things together...but that's two weeks. Two. Weeks. If it were me? Everything would have been ready to go come Friday. I couldn't help it, by Sunday I was in Drill Sargent mode (the kitchen still needed to be finished--argh!) and if I didn't take charge, my head was going to explode. Hmm. Maybe I should have militarized. I seem to be good at it...
"I know you are my parents--but listen up..." is how it began. "There is still a lot to do here, so we are now officially in divide and conquer mode. Mom--stay downstairs. DO NOT come upstairs until it is done. I will finish the kitchen. Dad--this ridiculousness of buying a handful of boxes at a time? Over. Go buy EXACTLY what I have down on this list. No groaning--just do it. And remember: I'm the one who decides when it is time for you two to go to the home, and there's no one to fight me. Don't push me or I'll do it now and then we won't have to deal with this anymore!"
And this is how we moved every single time. I'm not kidding you. Scrambling around to the last minute to get everything done and taken care of. Except my stuff. After I was seven, I wouldn't let them pack my stuff anymore and moving day(s) consisted of me sitting on my boxes..hoping they all got on the truck. At about 12, I got to play referee and separate the two of them to keep them from killing each other (moving makes my normally laid back father a tad bit cranky..something mom, the instigator, like to take advantage of) and to crack the whip to keep them in line to make sure it freaking got done. The only good thing about this move? For the first time EVER, the rents finally hired movers! So I wasn't loading up the back of U-haul and driving a giant truck up to Atlanta. Thank god for small favors.
It should also be mentioned that when I moved out of my family home (as it were) in 2003 for good, I had moved, with my parents, a total of 13 times.
Thirteen times. I attended seven different school systems (that's not counting schools in them) in 12 years. Hell--people, you are lucky I'm as normal as I am.
So guess who hates moving???
Needless to say, there are two reasons for getting my out of my current locale: Death or Marriage. Let's see which one comes first, shall we??
to see if there's anything that floats your boat for the 2010-2011 Season. (Gone With the Wind? Yes please. South Pacific? Sign me up! Oh and THIS April 23rd and 24 they are showing Breaking Away...c'mon, you know you want to go see it!)
So after the movie, I head out with my buddy to have a few drinks. Since downtown was going to be a clusterfuck of madness due to the Big Ten, we headed to Ripple.
Let's just say that when 22 year old boys have lots to drink they become friendly with me. Apparently they are the only form of human male who thinks me not only "pretty" (And my hair got stroked...a lot. Weird, I know..I'm not an Irish Setter, but who can explain these things), but witty and charming, too. See--booze does work miracles : ) Get home, plop into bed and think about getting up the next day to help mom and dad "finish" up the moving.
Let me preface this by saying that when I stopped by on Thursday to see how it was going, I was shocked. Kitchen? Not touched. Basement? Ditto. Clothes packed? Bathroom? Garage (which still *shudder* is no where near done....and they sign over on FRIDAY)? Ha ha ha! And the movers were coming the next morning at 8 am. Silly me thinking they would whip through stuff and very little would need to be done.
So I get there at 10 am...and I get home after taking seven loads of stuff to the laundry mat (How fast was that? One hour and all the stuff was done. If it wasn't such a pain in the ass and so freaking expensive...note to self: when you make big monies and strike it really rich--install your own laundry mat in your house. Why has no one else thought of this? Seriously people!), hit the grocery to actually have food that people will eat, and then had to pick up my house because the rents are staying with me on Saturday night.
So we can start the whole thing over on Sunday.
My parents, it would seem, move at the speed of snail. Granted, they are both sick (with the same crap I have it would seem), but c'mon people. Yes--they sold the house uber fast, and only had two weeks to get things together...but that's two weeks. Two. Weeks. If it were me? Everything would have been ready to go come Friday. I couldn't help it, by Sunday I was in Drill Sargent mode (the kitchen still needed to be finished--argh!) and if I didn't take charge, my head was going to explode. Hmm. Maybe I should have militarized. I seem to be good at it...
"I know you are my parents--but listen up..." is how it began. "There is still a lot to do here, so we are now officially in divide and conquer mode. Mom--stay downstairs. DO NOT come upstairs until it is done. I will finish the kitchen. Dad--this ridiculousness of buying a handful of boxes at a time? Over. Go buy EXACTLY what I have down on this list. No groaning--just do it. And remember: I'm the one who decides when it is time for you two to go to the home, and there's no one to fight me. Don't push me or I'll do it now and then we won't have to deal with this anymore!"
And this is how we moved every single time. I'm not kidding you. Scrambling around to the last minute to get everything done and taken care of. Except my stuff. After I was seven, I wouldn't let them pack my stuff anymore and moving day(s) consisted of me sitting on my boxes..hoping they all got on the truck. At about 12, I got to play referee and separate the two of them to keep them from killing each other (moving makes my normally laid back father a tad bit cranky..something mom, the instigator, like to take advantage of) and to crack the whip to keep them in line to make sure it freaking got done. The only good thing about this move? For the first time EVER, the rents finally hired movers! So I wasn't loading up the back of U-haul and driving a giant truck up to Atlanta. Thank god for small favors.
It should also be mentioned that when I moved out of my family home (as it were) in 2003 for good, I had moved, with my parents, a total of 13 times.
Thirteen times. I attended seven different school systems (that's not counting schools in them) in 12 years. Hell--people, you are lucky I'm as normal as I am.
So guess who hates moving???
Needless to say, there are two reasons for getting my out of my current locale: Death or Marriage. Let's see which one comes first, shall we??
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
As Etta James would say....
.....at last
Baseball season--it's here! My boys take on the Pirates today down in Florida. And yes--I would give my left arm for a few days down with the Grapefruit League (even if it is not that much warmer down there than it is here right now). And on March 14th? First F1 race of the season! Spring is finally here! Hooray!!
That's the good news.
The bad news? I have found myself swamped in the last week. S.W.A.M.P.E.D. Of course, it's my own making, so I really have no reason to complain. I just wish the rest of the month was shaping up to be more of the same.
(And even though it's officially March--it is still freaking freezing in Naptown. Hurry up warm weather! I want to actually go outside and spend more than the five seconds it takes me to get into my car! I want to drive with the windows down and not freeze my bullocks off--is this so much to ask?)
My first newsletter for the LWV? Done. Doesn't look too bad either. Thankfully all the swearing at the computer (and myself) and the gallons of coffee I downed came to a good end. Yea! One small victory in the "done" pile.
Inventory was last week at work...and so now I get to play the always fun "put the sales floor back together" game. Some years I actually enjoy this. This year..it's taken me a day or two to even get in the mood to even start. Something must be in the water cause I just cranked it out in about half an hour. Another thing finished. I better watch out...I just might go home and finish stuff there, too...
(Can you hear my hysterical laughter at this notion? Thought so.)
The highlight of my previous week was the waffle maker that I purchased. And St. Pat's socks. Too bad it took me more than one try to make something edible--with the waffle maker--not the socks. Note to self: Highest setting!!! And the ready light DOES actually turn off when it's done. That stupid little instruction book is a dirty, dirty liar. And when all works right--it's heaven.
There was also dinner with Laura and Carmen. The Chekov play that we went to see, however--hmmm. I think Carmen summed it up best "I know it's not supposed to be funny--but it is. You know, like Gone with the Wind." (I have to let you know that Carm thinks GWTW is quite possibly one of the funniest movies ever made. And even though Scarlett O'Hara is my hero-I have to agree with Carmen on this one.) Laura actually fell asleep towards the end. Thank god that thing was only 2 hours long...in the original version it was over three and half hours long. Shooting me in the face would be preferable to sitting through that again...and especially for any longer period of time. Other than the horrid story, it really wasn't too bad. The costumes were fun, anyway.
And you know what goes well with a Belgian waffle and bacon on a random Tuesday night? A White Russian...yum. The dinner of champions.
Baseball season--it's here! My boys take on the Pirates today down in Florida. And yes--I would give my left arm for a few days down with the Grapefruit League (even if it is not that much warmer down there than it is here right now). And on March 14th? First F1 race of the season! Spring is finally here! Hooray!!
That's the good news.
The bad news? I have found myself swamped in the last week. S.W.A.M.P.E.D. Of course, it's my own making, so I really have no reason to complain. I just wish the rest of the month was shaping up to be more of the same.
(And even though it's officially March--it is still freaking freezing in Naptown. Hurry up warm weather! I want to actually go outside and spend more than the five seconds it takes me to get into my car! I want to drive with the windows down and not freeze my bullocks off--is this so much to ask?)
My first newsletter for the LWV? Done. Doesn't look too bad either. Thankfully all the swearing at the computer (and myself) and the gallons of coffee I downed came to a good end. Yea! One small victory in the "done" pile.
Inventory was last week at work...and so now I get to play the always fun "put the sales floor back together" game. Some years I actually enjoy this. This year..it's taken me a day or two to even get in the mood to even start. Something must be in the water cause I just cranked it out in about half an hour. Another thing finished. I better watch out...I just might go home and finish stuff there, too...
(Can you hear my hysterical laughter at this notion? Thought so.)
The highlight of my previous week was the waffle maker that I purchased. And St. Pat's socks. Too bad it took me more than one try to make something edible--with the waffle maker--not the socks. Note to self: Highest setting!!! And the ready light DOES actually turn off when it's done. That stupid little instruction book is a dirty, dirty liar. And when all works right--it's heaven.
There was also dinner with Laura and Carmen. The Chekov play that we went to see, however--hmmm. I think Carmen summed it up best "I know it's not supposed to be funny--but it is. You know, like Gone with the Wind." (I have to let you know that Carm thinks GWTW is quite possibly one of the funniest movies ever made. And even though Scarlett O'Hara is my hero-I have to agree with Carmen on this one.) Laura actually fell asleep towards the end. Thank god that thing was only 2 hours long...in the original version it was over three and half hours long. Shooting me in the face would be preferable to sitting through that again...and especially for any longer period of time. Other than the horrid story, it really wasn't too bad. The costumes were fun, anyway.
And you know what goes well with a Belgian waffle and bacon on a random Tuesday night? A White Russian...yum. The dinner of champions.
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