.....at last
Baseball season--it's here! My boys take on the Pirates today down in Florida. And yes--I would give my left arm for a few days down with the Grapefruit League (even if it is not that much warmer down there than it is here right now). And on March 14th? First F1 race of the season! Spring is finally here! Hooray!!
That's the good news.
The bad news? I have found myself swamped in the last week. S.W.A.M.P.E.D. Of course, it's my own making, so I really have no reason to complain. I just wish the rest of the month was shaping up to be more of the same.
(And even though it's officially March--it is still freaking freezing in Naptown. Hurry up warm weather! I want to actually go outside and spend more than the five seconds it takes me to get into my car! I want to drive with the windows down and not freeze my bullocks off--is this so much to ask?)
My first newsletter for the LWV? Done. Doesn't look too bad either. Thankfully all the swearing at the computer (and myself) and the gallons of coffee I downed came to a good end. Yea! One small victory in the "done" pile.
Inventory was last week at work...and so now I get to play the always fun "put the sales floor back together" game. Some years I actually enjoy this. This year..it's taken me a day or two to even get in the mood to even start. Something must be in the water cause I just cranked it out in about half an hour. Another thing finished. I better watch out...I just might go home and finish stuff there, too...
(Can you hear my hysterical laughter at this notion? Thought so.)
The highlight of my previous week was the waffle maker that I purchased. And St. Pat's socks. Too bad it took me more than one try to make something edible--with the waffle maker--not the socks. Note to self: Highest setting!!! And the ready light DOES actually turn off when it's done. That stupid little instruction book is a dirty, dirty liar. And when all works right--it's heaven.
There was also dinner with Laura and Carmen. The Chekov play that we went to see, however--hmmm. I think Carmen summed it up best "I know it's not supposed to be funny--but it is. You know, like Gone with the Wind." (I have to let you know that Carm thinks GWTW is quite possibly one of the funniest movies ever made. And even though Scarlett O'Hara is my hero-I have to agree with Carmen on this one.) Laura actually fell asleep towards the end. Thank god that thing was only 2 hours long...in the original version it was over three and half hours long. Shooting me in the face would be preferable to sitting through that again...and especially for any longer period of time. Other than the horrid story, it really wasn't too bad. The costumes were fun, anyway.
And you know what goes well with a Belgian waffle and bacon on a random Tuesday night? A White Russian...yum. The dinner of champions.
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