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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Too bad I can't feel my face (or the perils of dental work..) know what's NOT a good idea?

Going out in public and attempting to talk to people immediately following dental work. After I got my cleaning about two weeks ago, it was discovered that not only do I have crap teeth that require prescription toothpaste (30 smackers a tube for 3 times the flouride....stupid, stupid teeth), but I also had two tiny spots that needed to be fixed on two of my bottom teeth.

And of course, they were toward the front.

So when I went in this afternoon, I got more than my fair share of numbing, but was basically in and out a lot faster than I thought I would be.

Since I didn't have rush hour traffic to drive through, I decided to look at the garden center at Lowe's out on 334. (And yes...I did buy a hanging basket of impatients. I'm a sucker, what can I say. And they were only seven dollars. Isn't getting needles stuck in my gums worth at least that?)

Um. Not my brightest idea.

As I write this, I STILL cannot feel the lower half of my face. My bottom lip feels like it could the the size of a car tire. I bet you could punch me in the mouth right now and it wouldn't hurt a bit. However, we would  most likely no longer be friends. Trust me..this WOULD hurt you.

Back to my meanderings at Lowe's.

Since I can't really feel my face, this means I can't really talk. I mean I can, but it's really ugly. It sounds like I've had a stroke. Or two. Or maybe it just sounds like I drink a lot. (A LOT!) Whatever the case may be, I frightened a perfectly nice high school aged boy when I tried to thank him for my change. It was probably the combination of stroke speech and unmoving mouth that creeped him out. (But hey! It wasn't ME picking my nose waiting for customers at the cash register. Thankfully, he had the decency not to use that hand in giving my back my change. Thank god for small favors, eh?)

I'm getting ready to take off to walk the canal downtown..and maybe when I'm done with my stroll, I will be able to feel my face again.

It's a beautiful day--so who can ask for more than that?

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