So let me just start by saying working two jobs---sucks.
But I figure that I have to at least make it until February, and I think I can do it. Well, it would be best if I could do it, let's just put it that way. And I couldn't do it without the support of my stand up guy--even if he is barely one foot tall on his four feet and covered with fur. He's sitting on my lap right now, purring his head off while we watch Lewis scramble to the top of the rankings in F1 (probably because I'm home and it's daylight..a rare treat these days--or maybe because it's pretty kick ass race today?): Jeter--my fuzzy fella.Yogi's pretty cute, but mostly just screams to be fed whenever I walk in the door. It's very clear most days where I rank with that one.
So seven months of folding t-shirts, cleaning out dressing rooms, selling store credit, and dealing with full on crazies.
Yea..I think I can manage.
Other that working, not a whole lot has been going on. Same old same old--doing some digging through paper at the IMHM (Why can't I find someone to pay me to do that? I'm super awesome at combing through old stuff...), trying to keep up with the house hold necessities--and trying to eat better (I blame Barbara Kingsolver...damn you and your fabulous book!! Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life (P.S.) It made me want to have chickens and rows of green beans, corn, and tomatoes. Crazy, huh? Maybe not.). So pretty much for the last week, all I've been eating is locally grown produce (procured from Waterman's. OMG the tomatoes are fantastic!!) Today the kids at work begged for KFC, and I, sucker that I am, broke down and got it for them....and felt the entire time that my homemade version is SO much better.
Now that the school year has begun at good old FC, maybe I can make myself get back on the horse that is the gym. I have a feeling I'm going to need it. What's one or two days a week?
Turns out right now--it's A LOT. But...a necessary evil.
Hopefully this month I won't be such a slacker with the posting--but seriously, pick up a copy of Kingsovler's book. It will make you rethink some pretty fundamental things.