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Friday, August 13, 2010

Chelsea nemesis

So. Every girl needs a nemesis, right? Right.

Mine is Chelsea Clinton.

"Why is that?" you ask? Let me tell you. It began at birth.

She was born Feb 12th, 1980. Me? Feb 13th of the same year, so it's be destined that I will always be playing catch up (Granted, I don't have to spend hours a day taming tragic poofy hair, so she might argue "hey bitch--we're totally even", but I really don't think that gives me a real edge.).

She has her undergrad degree in History, as do I. Little known fact: we both started college pre-med.

See? It's scary.

She has her Master's from Oxford...mine is not quite so prestigious, but hey--I don't see too many people thumbing their nose saying my MBA was a total waste (even though most days I kind of feel that it was...corner office my ass). She is pursuing a doctorate at NYU. I totally plan on getting another degree at some point in time--but mine will be a PhD for sure. (Then my parents, god love them, can say "Our daughter--the doctor. Mom will be so proud.) I just haven't figured out the when/where..and some days--the what. I would love to return to my first love, twentieth century American History, but I still feel the need to help people, too. I've been thinking more and more about therapy.

No...not for me (thanks guys), but I would love to actually help people. Some may think that lame, but whatever. My life, right?

I digress--back to Chelsea. If you have been living under a rock, you may not have heard that she was married a few weeks ago.

In a custom made Vera Wang.

I wanted to be married in a pretty Vera Wang dress. Whore. (Chelsea, not Vera--never Vera).

So you stole my academic career, my job path (working in a large global not for profit that attempts to make the lives of the world's impoverished better a little bit at a time), and now my wedding dress?!?

I could live with the first part--but not the last.

This isn't over Chelsea Clinton--just you wait and see!

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