Why yes--I do mean that FDA.
The United States Food and Drug Administration.
They suck.
They suck big fat donkey dong.
Why? I'll tell you why--they've taken the best drug ever made, off the market because of a technicality. They say there was never any approved use for the drug...Midrin.
That's been on the market since 1976? Really?
Read this blog (yes..I'm a dork and I read this stuff)..and see just how stupid all this red tape really is. My tax dollars at 'work':
(Okay--and honestly--if anything, you have to read the blog above just for the comment from "tammy norton". Because I'm an asshole, it made me laugh. Or maybe it's just the pain? Nope--pretty sure it's the first bit.)
I've been on this blessed medication since 1994 (when my migraines started in earnest...some people only get them every few years...lucky devils! Try two to three times a month. Every month. Since 1994.)--it is truly a wonder drug. It works. It is a lovely combination of drugs...and caffeine. Just typing that last word makes me happy (odd, I know--but caffeine is part of my preventative care. This is why I drink my weight in coffee and diet dr. pepper and the occasional coke...if I cut back too much too quickly--I can notice drastic results..)
Oh Midrin..I miss you. I miss you so much! Imitrex? Blech. What total crap. It doesn't work worth a damn, I still have a headache, and I can't feel my fingers, toes, or see very well. Total bullocks is what Imitrex is--I took it at five thirty this morning.
And I still have a flipping headache. So on my way to work I chewed on some excederin migraine.
No, really. I literally chewed nasty pills. And tried not to cry.
Because it feels like my eyes are going to shoot out of their sockets.
So--if anyone knows where I can find some Midrin--please, please, please let me know! I'm desperate! There are some similar drugs on the market that I've researched that I will ask for (my doctor is on vacay this week...of all the times!), but in the meantime? I'm hosed.
OH! And more of my Travel Diary from CA is coming soon! It's written--I just need to get it posted..
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