Trouble with cash flow? Check.
Trouble with my job? Check.
Trouble finding a new job? Check.
Trouble with life in general? Check. Check. And CHECK.
Boy oh boy. What a rough last eight weeks it's been. Silly me, wandering along, thinking for once--just once--things were, to quote Bing Crosby, "Going my Way!". Job prospects, my house was somewhat in order, and a good thing that people gave me nothing but shit for--but in a good natured way. forward. Grrrrr. Not. Bloody. Likely.
I really do try to be a glass half full person. But, being a realist at heart, sometimes this just doesn't work. So you step back and take a look at the clusterfuck that is your life...and you see that....
The problem?
The problem is me.
Yup. And I'm going to try really hard to fix it. Right now, I'm falling back into some old, scary habits that I really need to get reined in before it gets to be too much. But, I have this need to feel in control of something in my life...
So. For the first time in many (many) years--I know I can't do this myself. I can't fix me alone. And I certainly can't ask my friends to put up with more than they already have. I sat down today and looked into seeing a professional. I sent out some inquiries so we will see how it goes.
Hopefully not like the last time--I paid a stupid amount of money to be told there was nothing wrong with me, that it was the people around me with issues, got a pat on the head and a bill on my way out.
Hmm. While I like to think that part of the above is true--it's probably not 100%.
So--I wonder if Dr. Katz is available?
(Sadly--I'm dating myself here, aren't I?)
So. Back to the normal, silly, non-sensical angry girl stuff soon...I promise! But I felt the need to get something this big off my chest.
Guess that's a start in the right direction, huh?
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