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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Busy, busy girl!

Sometimes, you just have to say "You know what? I'm tired of this crap.." and start turning things around.

That would be me.

The "crap" would be just life in general.

So, my new mantra is to be Busy Girl. I want to have places to go, people to see, and to find out if I truly lost the ability to flirt with extremely good looking men when I was three. (Now that's a story for another time--sorry!)

But to recap the last few days...Friday I worked until freaking 1 am. At work. Boo. Now this wouldn't have been so bad if I had gotten into bed before 2 am on Friday morning. C'est la vie...whatever and ever, amen.

Saturday, I worked a hopping day at the museum, then headed home (again, with just a few hours of sleep under my belt), meaning to hit Starbucks on the way, but forgot--oops--and made myself up as Cleo. I didn't look half bad, actually. When Amy picked me up (she was a Border Patrol officer--hehe), she said I looked like Liz Taylor with my dark hair and green eyes (or maybe it was green eyeshadow and big girls....but you get the picture). Yup. I even wore a wig. I kind of liked the way I looked with black hair. The bangs were kind of cute, too. But I don't think I'm willing to give up my signature shade quite yet. And wigs are itchy--but if it was just for a few hours, it could be fun. Wait--it was fun!

So we hit the party (with tons of people in kick ass costumes--mostly couples, but really fun and nice). Had a little adventure getting home on the rural roads of Hendricks, Boone, and Marion counties--but we made it back in one piece.

Sunday was a lazy day of working on the resume and cover letter for the new job prospects (hopeful, hopeful, hopeful). Met up with some people for dinner/drinks (always a good time), and was home at the somewhat reasonable hour of 11:30. But since we switched back to Standard Time--it felt like 12:30. Ahhh...driving home in the dark at 5:30. Fun times. Winter, she's definitely a coming.

Monday--well, Monday was amazing. Awesome. So very good.

Left work a little bit early (always a bonus), met up with the ladies at Yats for a pre-show dinner of Chicken Creole (oooh Yats--why are you so good? And cheap...). Then we headed over to Clowes to hear the Swell Season (they had an opener..Mark Dunning I think was his name? I have his CD in my car--he was really good, too). This was an amazing show. I'm so glad Jonelle brought it up. I'm now addicted to Glen Hansard's voice...even though he sounds pretty much like he does on the CD--this guy puts on a great performance. If you get the chance to see them--you totally should check it out.

So that's been the last few days. I even snuck in some X-mas shopping for Carm, Mom and Dad at the Bookstore. What can I say, you can never have too much Butler stuff!

I'm hoping for good news in the next few weeks. And for a busy schedule!

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