It's time for peaches (peach pie!! peach ice cream! peach tea!), melons, summer squash, tomatoes (YES! My topsy turvy does have tomatoes on it--real ones. That are growing. That I will be able to eat!), sun tea, vacations, road trips, and various other types of summer fun.
And I?
I get to partake! No more part time job at retail hell! So, let me apologize now for no more tales of woe and poop. There is only so much one girl can take--and the last straw was the 30 hour work week I came back to after vacation in early June. Well, that and the fact that I had to stand in a small room with a woman caught shoplifting and watch her clean human waste from her body before the police would put her in the back of their car. No. No. NO!
No job that only pays $7.50 an hour was worth that kind of demoralization.
So. Now I have less money, for sure. (Yikes!) But I am happier than I have been in a long time. Not working 75+ hours a week is just one component of this--but an important one.
I have time to read! I will get a list up soon (!) of stuff that I have really enjoyed this summer--but so far, you MUST check out Mary Roach's Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void
I also have time for drive in movies, doing things outside (my patio gardens will not go down in flames this year. I will be conscious enough to water them), working out (A ton! I'm on a kick that I hope becomes a real habit....a good one.) and seeing people! I have the potential to road trip next if you know of a giant ball of string, or worlds largest dinosaur shaped diner on 1-74/I-80 heading west into Iowa, please, let me know!
And yes, if I find any of those things, there will be photos!
And on the agenda for this evening? Pool Time!
Summer; how sweet it is!
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