Well. Clearly someone doesn't plan on being a writer anytime soon. I can give plenty of excuses, but that's just what they are--excuses.
Play time is over children...I'm getting back to work.
Computer issues? Fixed. And look at the super cute new laptop case/bag/cover thingy I bought (this is the back):
Yes. I have the sense of humor of a 12 year old..I know, I know. (Kitty HATES you..bwah, hah, hah..it's an old joke that never doesn't make me laugh). And? If this doesn't get people to talk to me at Starbucks, I don't know what will. Great place to meet boys my ass....
In a mere few weeks, I will have new carpet down in my bedroom and office...which I will then re-design to actually allow me to write in it. Currently my desk is in my bedroom. And it gets used about as much as you think it would in such a poor location..it holds laundry that needs to be folded. And sad, sad socks that have lost their mates. Very, very sad. So sad that I really do think I'm going to make this thing and hang it on the door of my dryer--check it out (I found it on Pinterest...which is like crack for white girls...):
Clearly--I'm on said website, so you should totally follow me (roo13). I have very interesting things that could and should change your life. Like apple pies made from apples!
Is your mind blown yet?
It should be.
And when I get my groove back--don't blame me when your brain is shredded to bits.
Hey!!!!! Pinterest is not just for white girls!!! All though I might be saying that bcuz I forget I am surrounded by them.