There are somethings that just grate on my nerves.
And people who treat the English Language like a red headed step child? Ugh. They are on my list.
And sadly,..most people treat it way worse than that.
And today--I just can't take it anymore. I'm done with people too stupid to take the time to learn to use the language properly. It doesn't mean you are uppity--it means you have some pride and aren't a lazy asshole. Me personally? Well, I just don't want anyone to think I'm stupid.
Spellcheck people. Spellcheck can be your best friend. That said, I do excuse typos from people that I know have an IQ above the average bear--and spellcheck doesn't catch
everything. That said, since spellcheck doesn't catch everything, you actually have to be aware of your grammar, too. If you graduated from High School you should be fully aware of the following items (Look! I'm even nice enough to create a guide for you!):
No and Know
No is the answer to a question.
Example: "Did you see that pimp smack the crap out of that midget hooker?!?"
"No! Damn--how did I miss that?"
Know is having knowledge (hint--see how the both start with KN?)
Example: "Well, boo. I know how much you love streetwalking midgets."
Sit vs Set (This is like nails down a chalk board to my brain. Figure. It. Out. NOW!)
Sitting is something you do. "Sit down!"
You set an inanimate object in it's place. You
know--when you
set the table?
There vs. Their
There is in regards to a place. (Oh wait..if you don't know the difference between these two, how am I supposed to hope you know what in the hell 'in regards' means?)
Example: "How do we get there from here?"
Their is a possessive pronoun.
I'm going to let that sink in for a moment.....I know, I know--it hurts.
Example: "Is this their Valtrex? I would hate for Paris and Nicky Hilton to have left it behind..that would be a shame, wouldn't it?"
Now. I know I'm not perfect, but I know bad language when I see it. And I don't mean swearing and the like. And yes, this is a short list. Trust me, if I had time--I could write a lot more than this.
So please, for my sanity--take heed and share your new found knowledge with your buddies.
It will make me a happy girl, indeed!