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Sunday, December 5, 2010

People watching...of the first order!

So tonight Carm and I went to see one of my favorite bands...(and vowed to be in New Orleans come Mardi Gras...we shall see if that works).

And were subjected to the normal number of couples groping and feeling all over each other (BARF)..but then...then there was something special.


Yes. You read that right. Incest. With a reindeer sweater and a pearl barrette (which actually was a friend of the offender...but still. A reindeer sweater? ACK!)

Let me just say--you can certainly love your children..but you should NOT love your children.

There was this woman who, it seemed, could not keep her hands off anyone. Her son, her son's girlfriend, her husband, her friend, her friend's husband.

All of us in the general vicinity were disturbed by this woman in the high waisted jeans, bad perm, and velvet leotard.

Let that just sink in for a second. Velvet. Leotard.

Dear's like she wanted us all to be uncomfortable as possible!

But then Better than Ezra started and I could have cared less about the crazy woman and her family "dynamic".

It was, once again, a kick ass show...and that, and the Sun King Cream Ale and the good company (of which I could make a total ass of myself screaming out the lyrics to Laid...and not be judged) are all that mattered.

So thank you BTE for another amazing stop in Naptown. I will see you again and again...for as long as you are on the road busting your hump.

And hope there isn't any more "Mom Love" at the next show. I think I may have been scarred for life.

Gee if I'm not fucked up enough already!

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