Why is that you ask?
Because I'm in my kitchen....singing along with Bing Crosby like my life depends on it.
And if you know my singing voice, right now you are counting your blessings that you are far, far away!
(Side note: Oh...the weather outside is frightful....and I got sent home from my part time job...thank god! Because I don't think I would have made it up the hill later tonight. And when I peeked out the window just now, the car is already completely covered in snow. I am SO not looking forward to the drive to work tomorrow.)
So. I've been home for about an hour and I feel quite accomplished.
I've made rocky road bark, peppermint bark, my peanut butter fudge is divided up---and some is coated in chocolate--coconut rum balls are sitting pretty in a new coating of powdered sugar, and now I'm starting cookies.
Black Walnut cookies---yummmm.
I am usually quite the Christmas grump, waiting to the last minute possible to do everything and bitching about it the whole time--but this year, I don't know what the deal is. I'm not in a super grouchy mood, I'm relatively happy (which after last year is a GREAT improvement) and not actually dreading the upcoming holidays. However, among other things, I do absolutely miss a certain little fuzz ball who loved Christmas trees, which is why I've moved Jeter to the dining room. Call me morbid, but somehow, I think he appreciates being near the tree. Maybe that's why I'm in such a good mood?? A little kitty karma is rubbing off on me?
I've always felt I've needed someone looking after me--maybe now I've got it. (It's a nice thought, actually. So if you think I'm an idiot--just keep it to yourself. I pretty much think I'm an idiot most of the time, so I don't need any help from the peanut gallery.)
I have not, however, tried wrapping presents. Last year I had to trap the two of them in the bedroom until I was done. Wrapping paper, if you didn't know, is even more like catnip to cats than catnip. Not. Joking. And since Yogi is a little bit more special than most boys, I'm going to have my hands full. Good thing he's freaking adorable....
So I'm going to enjoy my good mood, and my good fortune of not having to work tonight, by baking. Lots and lots of baking.
Ah...being in the kitchen. It's like therapy..but cheaper.
Happy Holidays to everyone!
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