So. Yesterday, Christmas disappeared from my house. Well..sort of. I still have the wrapping paper in the office (which needs to be fully gutted, cleaned, and put back together--but that's going to take more than a day off here and there) and the lights are still up on my balcony. And yes, they are still on. I realize this is a bit white trash, but they look so festive out there. And they have like six inches of frozen icy snow on top of them, so they aren't going any where for quite a while. And they look pretty. So don't judge!
Also going on--as Roy Rodgers would say, I'm back in the saddle again. Again. Again. Again. How many times have I done this now? With like NO success what so ever? And why do I keep subjecting myself to this? Well, it would be nice to eat with someone who isn't a girl. (No offense to my many friends that are ladies.) And to be able to really laugh at juvenile and raunchy things without getting the "I can't believe you find this funny" look. (But who doesn't find people falling down, farting, or getting kicked in the groin/head/face, etc funny??)
But, let me share with you the little nuggets of joy that have brightened my week so far:
A 21 year old boy who told me "We should hit it! I like old laidees" (Yes. That's just how the little monster spelled it.)
A 36 year old man who wants me to verbally AND physically abuse him. Preferably leaving marks of said abuse. (And he took pictures of himself wearing nothing but a towel. Now there's a great first impression! Barf.)
Another guy who wanted know if I would think about being a part of his harem of ladies. "Sexier than sister wives..I promise! We like to share everything with each other!" And...I promise you I will never respond to your e-mail.
There have, so far, been more freaks than anything (Like the guy I thought posted a picture of himself and his sister and his crazy Mr. and Mrs. Roper looking parents. But I was wrong about one thing. That's not his sister! That would be his 17 year old daughter! And he's 33. YIKES. DELETE!! DELETE!!).
All that said, some of them appear to be completely normal, rational, sane people.
Hmm. That's what they said about Ted Bundy, too, isn't it?
Oh well, this is my lot in life. I might as well dive in head first. If anything--it's good for a laugh!
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