Had by all--and not just me, I hope?
With the exception of Friday and Yogi's turning into the child from the Exorcist at the vet (He did not do so well...at all. The upside of his tantrum? The vet got a great look at his "very pretty teeth" with all the hissing that was going on.) and his carrier coming apart when I was trying to get him in the house (this catastrophe resulted in the lovely set of three inch scratches on my arm..he was so terrified he climbed me like a monkey) it was a pretty uneventful Friday--the best kind after a long week of work.
(As for the furball's bad attitude, it has been recommended to that on all vet trips in the future, I have to bring both boys--which is fine. Jeter likes to go to the vet to flirt with all the techs. Trust me, I'm not kidding about this. I also had no idea Yogi was that much of a little monster! Or that he weighed almost 13 pounds! He's NOT fat--and yet I still got "the lecture". Kitties, dear vet, are not furry Kate Mosses. They are supposed to be a bit chubby. Silly me was worried that he was underweight. Shows what I know, huh?)
Saturday, well, Saturday was the perfect day for Penrod. Carm and I got there about 9:30, so by Noon (when it was starting to get crazy crowded), we were done and ready to go. We saw all kinds of stuff--she got a great deal on a framed photo, I got a similarly good deal, but my photo isn't framed...so guess who will be shopping for mats and frames this week? (I say frames because I got a cute print of a winter tree full of all kinds of birds for mom...)
So we walked around, saw all kinds of pottery that I would love to own, but don't really have the $$ for. I also saw the girl from Zionsville who has the amazing oils of various kinds of flowers and stuff--but my favorite would still be the field of poppies...One day, I will have the 1200.00 to drop on that one....well, I better, anyway. Speaking of Zionsville..I think I will have to make a trek up there to poke around. I haven't really ever done much of that, and I've been going there my whole life. Pathetic, huh? I think maybe a snack at the Friendly might be calling my name sometime soon, that's for sure.
Also good this weekend? Butler won! I can't believe it! 2-0! That and the Bears, Notre Dame, and Purdue lost! Ha!! There--I'm doing my victory gloat. I don't get to do it very often, so cut me some slack!
Sunday was busyish. I did get up and walk for about 4.5 miles (be proud Beth..be proud). Usually, this gives me boundless energy, but not this time. I got home, ate some breakfast, and crashed on the couch to watch the F1 race (this...I do not want to talk about--how do you go from pole to crashing on the last lap practically!! argh..I reiterate--it's best left unsaid). But then I had to get dolled up for a reception at the Woodstock Club so hair was done, nails were touched up (best as I could since I've managed to chop a bit of my left thumb off), put on a black skirt, stacked heels, new hose (which got a run in them before I got home...and they were new really nice ones that I ordered online! Boo!!! So now I have a thigh high with no mate....sad--very sad), very cute white sweater with an asymmetrical collar with onyx looking buttons...like I said, very nice. Got lots of compliments--so I guess it was a keeper as far as outfits go. After that, headed out to dinner, went home and I crashed.
Which means I woke up about 4:30 this morning.
All I can say is thank god for coffee!!
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